Bob Dylan

GREAT concert: Bob Dylan @ Palác kultury, Prague, Czech Republic – March 11, 1995

March 11: Bob Dylan's brilliant concert in Prague 1995 - Video & full concert audio.

4 years ago

Bob Dylan @ Sun Theater, Anaheim, California – March 10, 2000

March 10, 2000 - Bob Dylan plays two concerts in Anaheim, California. Here are full audio from both.

4 years ago

Bob Dylan: 5 Great live versions of “Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine)”

Bob Dylan recorded Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) on March 9, 1966. Here are 5…

4 years ago

Bob Dylan: 5 Great live versions of “Ring Them Bells”

"Ring Them Bells" was recorded March 7, 1989 @ The Studio, New Orleans, Louisiana. Here are 5 great live versions.

4 years ago

Walter Trout sings 3 Bob Dylan songs – Happy 70th Birthday Walter Trout

Happy 70th Birthday Walter Trout. Here Trout sings 3 Bob Dylan songs.

4 years ago

Bob Dylan: 5 Great live versions of “If You See Her, Say Hello”

Bob Dylan performing 5 great live versions of “If You Se Her, Say Hello” (Blood on the Tracks – 1975).…

4 years ago

Rory Gallagher sings 4 Bob Dylan songs

Rory Gallagher birthday - here singing Bob Dylan songs.

4 years ago

Johnny Cash sings 7 Bob Dylan songs

Johnny Cash Birthday - In this post "The Man in Black" sings 7 different Bob Dylan songs.

4 years ago

Johnny Winter sings Bob Dylan

Johnny Winter cover Highway 61 Revisited, From A Buick 6 & Like a Rolling Stone.

4 years ago

Jerry Garcia Band – Simple Twist of Fate – The Best Dylan Covers

Jerry Garcia Band - Simple Twist of Fate - The Best Dylan Covers   "Simple Twist of Fate" is a…

4 years ago