
July 16: Neil Young released On The Beach in 1974

Neil Young released his great album "On The Beach" July 16, 1974.

8 years ago
Great Tom Waits Song: Goin’ Out WestGreat Tom Waits Song: Goin’ Out West

Great Tom Waits Song: Goin’ Out West

Goin´Out West is a brilliant song by Tom Waits from his 1992 album "Bone Machine". Here are som quotes, lyrics,…

8 years ago

July 10: Johnny Cash Recorded Kris Kristofferson´s “Sunday Morning Coming Down” in 1970

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color="mulled_wine" icon_fontawesome="fa fa-quote-left"]Well, I woke up Sunday morning With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt And…

8 years ago

Great New Album from Steve Earle – So You Wannabe an Outlaw

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_color="mulled_wine" icon_fontawesome="fa fa-quote-left"]“There’s nothing ‘retro’ about this record,” Earle says. “I’m just acknowledging where I’m coming from.” So You…

8 years ago

Classic Bootleg: Van Morrison “Spring In My Heart – Live At Montreux 1997” (Audio)

Another great Van Morrison concert bootleg (sound & performance). Montreux, Switzerland 19th July, 1997 The Gala Night Musicians Van Morrison:…

8 years ago
Van Morrison: 4 Great Live Versions of His Brilliant “Orangefield”Van Morrison: 4 Great Live Versions of His Brilliant “Orangefield”

Van Morrison: 4 Great Live Versions of His Brilliant “Orangefield”

This great song from the album Avalon Sunset (1989) - Here are 4 great versions.

8 years ago