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The Year 1976 summary
- Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot becomes prime minister (and virtual dictator) of Cambodia after Prince Sihanouk steps down (April 2).
- Israeli airborne commandos attack Uganda’s Entebbe Airport and free 103 hostages held by pro-Palestinian hijackers of Air France plane; one Israeli and several Ugandan soldiers killed in raid (July 4).
- 19-month civil war ends in Lebanon after threatening to escalate to global level (Nov.).
- US: US Supreme Court rules that blacks and other minorities are entitled to retroactive job seniority (March 24).
- US: US Supreme Court rules that death penalty is not inherently cruel or unusual and is a constitutionally acceptable form of punishment (July 3).
- US: Jimmy Carter elected US President (Nov. 2).
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- Movies: Rocky, Taxi Driver, Network, All the President’s Men
- Deaths: Agatha Christie, Andre Malraux
My rules:
- Only one song per artist/group
- The song must be released that specific year
- Songs from live albums not allowed
- Restricted to only 20 songs
As usual.. a lot of wonderful music was released in 1976, again hard to pick only 20.